Home Pictures & galleries Old surf boards as the basis for artwork Pictures & galleries Old surf boards as the basis for artwork July 9, 2018 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Jarryn Dower is an artist who comes from Australia and presents the world of his artwork that he creates on old surf boards. He draws on them details, the motifs of which are inspired by life on the beach and the water. RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Comics An illustration of aging and adolescence Comics John Benton’s perfectly compelling comics News The man with the longest hair Recent Posts Even shoes can look creative Makawiel - July 9, 2018 0 Do you dare to compete in wearing wives? Makawiel - July 10, 2018 0 Prečo zvoliť legíny s vysokým pásom? Makawiel - April 20, 2020 0 These babies will make you laugh Makawiel - June 13, 2018 0 Holiday homes in Italy offer a completely different experience than a hotel Makawiel - August 3, 2020 0