Home Pictures & galleries Birds of the far north Pictures & galleries Birds of the far north July 4, 2018 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Although in the districts of the far north, Lapland, Norway and the Rrtic Ocean, it is cold in winter, there is a whole range of interestingly colored birds. Some of these photos will bring you closer to them. RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Comics An illustration of aging and adolescence Comics John Benton’s perfectly compelling comics News The man with the longest hair Recent Posts Organicky, nebo za peníze aneb SEO versus PPC? Makawiel - June 4, 2020 0 How to make a day? These tips will definitely lift your spirits Makawiel - February 28, 2020 0 Comics that will improve your mood Makawiel - January 11, 2018 0 Rugged biker clubs Makawiel - June 1, 2021 0 How to manage a complex company? Get an ERM system Makawiel - October 31, 2022 0